
Saturday, April 3, 2021

2021-11 || handkerchief

How did people survive before tissues and paper towels were invented? Handkerchiefs I suppose. 

Since moving to an older house, we've increased our consumption of paper towels and tissues because they're just great at absorbing grease, which we don't want to pour down our drain, which gets clogged much more easily. Since allowing the grandparents into our COVID-19 bubble to help with childcare, we've also seen an increase in the number of tissues left lying around on our various surfaces - coffee tables, media console, counter tops, random floors. The proximity of paper towels just makes it way too convenient to use them instead of getting up to get a cloth. 

I'm sure there are times when I've reached for a nearby tissue or paper towel or napkin to wipe one small spot of spilled water, and left the paper product on the surface of whatever I wiped for use again later. Honestly though, I never remember to reuse it, and I end up forgetting what I used that lonely napkin for previously, so it ends up in the trash. It's different in my own home too, because I know they're my germs, and not somebody else's. 

I'm going to have to put up "DO NOT LITTER" signs in my living room soon.

Actually, a large part of our napkin stash is from take out sushi restaurants, like Sushi Garden, Sushi Mura, and Sushi High. This was our late night order from Sushi High the other night, stack of napkins not shown in photo: 


The salmon aburi (middle small pic) was tasty. The others were not remarkable, but it helped with our 10PM sushi cravings. 

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