
Sunday, March 6, 2022

2022-10 || being a mom requires a lot of bending to pick up things dropped onto the ground

We had a fantastic, productive week, starting with Baby S's first gig as as a flower girl! This took some balancing, as H was at work, and I was by myself with Baby S for the ceremony. J&Z did a beautiful job with the planning, despite all the road blocks of pandemic times. Baby S tried her first lobster. 

Nothing like social isolation to teach you the true value of a party. 

Baby S then developed a slight fever, and was not her best self for a day or two. She got better in time to attend her first baby shower, and had the time of her life, eating fruit, dancing, hanging out with new friends. I think she's an extrovert, because she only started crying when we took her away from the party to go home. 

We visited Oh Carolina, later on in the week: 

To the person responsible for their merchandising, I would like to commend you on your product placement for the baby fruit pouches. Baby S immediately started rifling through the packages at the front of the counter, and we had to get her one: 

I had the matcha latte, and a sip of H's cappuccino, which were both decent. Their croissant was super flaky (we left a mess of flakes on the table, on the chairs, all over the ground... thanks for putting up with us Oh Carolina!), buttery, perfection for an early morning with a toddler. I hope to return soon for their other brunch items. Their outdoor seating is calling to me, and I will be here with TWO BABIES once the weather warms up. 

Behind the scenes, Baby S learning the tricks of the trade: 

Maybe because we had so much going on this week, I was extra tired, and noticed how many times I was bending down to pick up baby S or a random assortment of objects that are on the ground. Toys, articles of clothing (socks mostly), food, forks, spoons, what have you... I seem to remember that my back and hips were in a lot of pain last time post partum, but I can't recall whether bending caused any excruciating pain. Life goes on... 

From last week
  1. Reorganize dining area and move the IKEA LACK shelves (Half way there! Everything has been moved off, and we are slowly reorganizing things)
  2. Expand my knowledge of smoothies in Vancouver (this is ongoing, as my smoothie cravings continue to persist throughout my 3rd trimester)
  3. Take walks every day for 10 minutes consecutively, not for work (*laughs* this didn't even happen once, and I will have to be more intentional to check this off). 

This week, I'm going to carry over everything from last week's list, and add on more baby prep. 
  1. Reorganize dining area and move the IKEA LACK and KALLAX shelves
  2. Expand my knowledge of smoothies in Vancouver 
  3. Take walks every day for 10 minutes consecutively after breakfast, not for work
  4. Pack baby bag 
  5. Pack my hospital bag

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