
Sunday, March 27, 2016


Today’s Negative Juju (in RED) vs Positive Vibes Brought to Me By:

1. Noticed 2 charges to my credit card on my online statement that I didn’t make - $500 at BestBuy, $200 at Newegg. WTF?! Somebody stole my info!

2. Spent what felt like hours trying to figure out the automated system for RBC.

3. RBC Customer Service is pretty awesome! I’ll be getting a new card before I leave for Chicago, and the charges will be waived!

4. Found the new rose gold necklace that I lost yesterday. Woot woot!

5. It was like a party in the hot room before we started class – there were 2 girls who would not stop chatting, not even whispering, and they were so loud the whole room echoed. We don’t want to hear about all the hikes you plan on doing. So rude. After they stopped, another pair of girls started whispering and somebody SHHHH-ed them. They kindly stopped. I guess the 1st pair of girls would’ve been too loud to hear the SHHHH, if anybody even tried.

6. Class was great. I released all my inner angst while warrior posing and falling over my balancing poses.

7. Came home, cooked, baked, and ate. Researched sunscreen. Don’t get anything with oxybenzone, and Neutrogena ain’t so great. Source: EWG

8. Decided to try Juice Beauty (wyneth Paltrow is the creative director of Makeup for this brand), and they sell it at Whole Foods around Vancouver. H sent me a 15% discount code to purchase over the web instead <3

9. I don’t have my credit card so cannot purchase online right away… My face needs SPF protection NOW!

5 Positives and 4 Negatives.All these first world problems. I think it’s still a good “me” day overall, and I’m almost ready for the upcoming week. 

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