
Saturday, March 26, 2016


(Top: turkey cranberry sausage; Bottom: Mango Blackberry Pie).

Hit up Acme Cafe with my LAG (little asian girl) crew, TPL and TAL (airport codes?) after 8:30AM hot hatha yoga at Chopra to replenish all the nutrients I sweated out. We were there more for the pie than the real nutritious stuff. The service was sort of lacking. Was the server hung over from Good Friday celebrations the night before? Who knows. I could’ve used some scrambled eggs instead of sunny side up (do hipster cafes not ask customers how they’d like their eggs done anymore?) and whipped cream or vanilla ice cream on the pie (bring my own next time?). So many questions. Perhaps my expectations were too high, and I’ve always had great service on previous occasions. I’d probably go back just for the pie. Make sure it’s takeout.

Acme Cafe Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Needed some extra moisture after skiing. Great time to use the Sephora Pomegranate Sleeping Mask:


It’s anti-fatigue and energizing, AND it smells good. How could I not buy this again? This little package lasts 3-4 uses, as long as it’s kept in a cool, dry place, such as a mason jar in my room.

Heard a snippet of Porter Robinson's Sad Machine on somebody's Snapchat, at the Pacific Coliseum this weekend. I went last year when he was at the Vogue theater and I'm sure his show this weekend was just as amazing. Good ol' days, not worrying about dumb shit. I'm such a boring old fart now. Home by 11PM + 1 drink limit to make sure I can still operate heavy machinery. This YouTube link to it is just not the same as the live version.

She depends on you... She'll go alone and never speak of this again... I'll depend on you. 

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