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Someone can bring you the keys if you locked them in the car.
That someone will most likely scream at you and call you the stupidest sister ever.

There are many people to share the responsibility of cleaning the car.
It’s gross when someone leaves their used tissue papers in the car.  The balls of crumpled, used tissue papers then fall under the car seat, and the person cleaning will find an unwanted surprise. 
(The person leaving their tissue papers is usually my mom; the only person who ever cleans is me. Why is this?)

Sharing the cost of a car so that you can afford a nicer car.
It is rare that the car is available when needed, or your reason for using the car is overridden by a “better” reason (such as, “i paid for most of this car, so i get to use it more”)
When the car is finally available, another member of the family has to get somewhere, and you have to either drop them off, or just you end up not using the car anyways.

Paying for gas, then finding out the next day that someone else used up all the gas.
Knowing that someone else filled up on gas, and taking the car out without having to pay for gas.

Public transit is the best way to get around Vancouver, even though Translink is unreliable and the busses smell bad.