
Saturday, January 1, 2022

2022-01 || the last mile is never crowded

Visited Coho Coffee, because I heard they use O5 matcha, which apparently is top notch: 

Wish they put in a bit more matcha, it didn't taste strong enough. I would go back for their coffee and all their delicious baked goods though! They have a large selection to choose from, as there are lots of different bakeries working out of their commissary kitchen, including a DELICIOUS chocolate babka from Leavenly Goods

Accomplished 3 out of 5 things from the last To Do of 2021, while I finished 1 book out of 3 (Atomic Habits was pretty good)! 

  1. Contact a preschool for baby S
  2. Start potty traning
  3. Read 3 more books to meet my target of 20 for the year
  4. Get a hook for the shower to hang my shower poof
  5. Declutter to make space for the new baby - nesting has started! 

And now it's 2022 - new year, new lists, and hopefully set up a few new systems. That's one of the major take aways from Atomic Habits. I'm going to try to set a day and time (Saturdays... or maybe Sundays? at (around) 1:30PM) to write. 

For this week, I'm going to focus on the following: 
  1. Clean shoes
  2. Get IKEA recycling system
  3. Declutter! Drop off at least one bag of donations

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