
Saturday, March 6, 2010

check your cheques, stupid

this is what i’ve been thinking about during the 4 hours i worked everyday this week…

Top 15 Things Stupid People (Bank Tellers and Customers) Do When Depositing Cheques

15. Spilling food or drink on cheques.

14. Bleeding on their cheques.

13. Writing in very bright ink that is painful to read, eg. gold ink.

12. Scribbling the value of the cheque or writing the value of the cheque in tiny numbers, so that the numbers and words are illegible.

11. Ripping a chunk out of the cheque.

10. Ripping a chunk out of the cheque, try to use tape to stick it back together, and failing miserably at keeping two edges together and putting a piece of tape on.

9. Not ripping the detachable part of the cheque, even though it says DETACH.

8. Wrinkling the cheque.

7. Not using a calculator to add up their deposit slips.

6. Writing the wrong numbers or adding the wrong numbers on the deposit slips.

5. Paper clipping their cheques together.

4. Putting post-its on the 1st cheque of every listing.

3. Putting post-its on every single cheque under the listing.

2. Stapling cheques together.

1. Stapling one cheque to one listing.


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