
Wednesday, August 19, 2020

2020-34 || sleep workout?

H, baby S, and I are now living the island life! We hopped onto the ferry last Thursday right after baby S's first shots, and we're now in Victoria. People kept telling me that it'll be a nice vacation getaway, but they clearly don't understand that taking care of a 2 month old is a full time job with over time every night. 

Luckily, Victoria and the surrounding areas have become more populated, and there are now more options for dining out compared to many years ago when it was just a sleepy retirement town. UNLUCKILY, we chose La Taqueria for the first night, and it was not the best experience.   

Maybe it was because we ordered take out, instead of eating in the restaurant, but I don't think food could become so mushy after just a 15 minute walk to get it home. We had the nachos, three tacos (atun, pastor, and mole), two burritos (baja and carnitas), and added a side of guacamole (photo is our hotel room coffee table with all the food in takeout containers - we'll be ordering take out for a while, because COVID). The beers are from a different liquor store, because we didn't want to pay restaurant price for liquor.  

The baja burrito was just a mouthful of chipotle sauce and mayo. Is that really a piece of deep fried fish, or is it just sauce disguised as fish?

Not the best start to our tour of Vancouver Island, but I am hopeful for better reviews to come! 
A few days before leaving Vancouver, H convinced me to start sleep training and try the cry it out method with baby S. He had learned about this from various friends, who told him that after a week of leaving their babies in their cribs and letting them cry themselves to sleep, their babies could now sleep on their own for a straight 12 hours, which would be magical. 

So that evening, as she was munching on her pacifier and dozing off in my arms, I popped her into bed, and walked away. Immediately, she started bawling. 

She would take breathing breaks once in a while, and we'd think, "OH SHE'S FIGURED IT OUT." But no, there was no end to her tears and screams. 

One hour later, I went to pick her up, and she was completely drenched in sweat, soaking through her cute little polka dot onesie. Crying is a heavy workout. I was actually worried that she had lost the weight that we worked so hard to put on her fragile body this week! 

After that experience, I came to the conclusion that 2 months is too early for sleep training, and went back to the three fundamentals of baby sleep - white noise, sleep sack, and pacifier. 


So far so good. 

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